30 Days of Video Games – Day 3 – An Underrated Game

Today is the 3rd post out of 30! And as you can see by the title, it is an underrated game. My favorite underrated game of all time would have to be Metal Arms: Glitch in the System.

Metal Arms is a 3rd person shooter that was released for the PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube back in 2003. You play as the main character Glitch, a droid that was found in a junk pile somewhere in the giant scrap planet, Iron Star. You are rescued by a resistance group of droids who are fighting evolved versions of themselves called Milbots. I will spare you the run down on the whole plot of the game because what I want to focus on is the game play. The story isn’t terrible mind you, but for me, it isn’t the best part of it. I loved the game play and I still say it’s one of the most fun games I’ve ever played.

Lets start with the controls. The controls of the game are great. It’s a lot like our current gen FPS configuration, your left joystick controls the character and the right controls the camera. Your right trigger (or R1 for PS2 players) is fire and your grenade button is the left trigger (L1 on the PS2). These simple controls make the game easy for anyone to pick up. You get a large assortment of weapons to chose from as the game progresses. And what’s nice is, that since you are a robot, you can carry as many weapons as you like and you just pop one gun off of your arm (kinda like megaman) and pop the new one on. They have all kinds of weapons. Machine guns, shotguns, snipers, RPGs, etc.. and my personal favorite, the control tether. The control tether lets you take over any milbot you shoot at that is in range and has a d-port on their back. You shoot the tether at them and can control them and their weapons up to a certain range. This can be incredibly fun to start dicking around with later on in the game. Each weapon can also receive up to 3 upgrades which boosts their damage and adds some extra bonuses. For example, when the sniper rifle in the game (called the Rivet Gun) is upgraded, the bullets will explode a second or so after impact with an object or enemy. Each weapon has their own unique bonus like that as you level them up.

And to finish up this post…. Why you should get the game. It’s funny (really funny), it’s fast paced and action packed, and most importantly, it’s fun. If you have never heard of this game, then I suggest you go find it and play it. You won’t be disappointed. Well….. At least I don’t think you will be disappointed. Anyway! I will leave you all with a clip of the first 10ish minutes of the game so you can see what it’s like!

What is your favorite underrated game? Let me know in the comments!

– Coveltine