30 Days of Video Games – Day 6 – Most Annoying Character

Beyond a shadow of a doubt it would have to be Yuffie, from Final Fantasy VII. Words cannot describe how much she bothers me.

Yuffie drove me up a wall in FF7. She challenges you to a fight. You beat her so she decides to join your party. That’s all fine and dandy but you have to answer all her questions first otherwise she gets mad, runs away and steals money from you. So when you FINALLY get her in your party and play through the game with her, you find out she’s useless. And not only is she useless, but on your travels, you stumble across her hometown of Wutai. Once you enter that town she freaks out and steals all your materia and you have to start a random side quest to track her down and get all your stuff back. The only benefit I found from this side mission is that you get a new summon materia, Leviathan. It’s a pretty cool summon and all but not worth the amount of time that you spent dealing with her crap and getting all your materia back.

I know normally I don’t get this mad about things on my blog but this character just infuriates me. For me it’s usually really minor things in games that anger me. If a game has glaring problems but I enjoy the game, it doesn’t bother me. But when I find something small it infuriates me and I have no idea. Oh well, I guess it makes for funny rants to my friends.

Who is the most annoying character for you?

– Coveltine